Sharing sustainably: how co-operation inspires results.
Across ABP, we are committed to increasing our levels of sustainability, ensuring it is central to the way we work. It’s why we became founding members of Origin Green – Ireland’s national food sustainability programme. And why we were so delighted to be the only food processor in the world to gain Triple Accreditation from the Carbon Trust, three times in a row.
As part of Origin Green, our processes are independently assessed and verified on an on-going basis, so that we continue to be accountable in everything we do, promoting sustainability at home and abroad.
Our progress has been recognised by a number of groups who have invited us to take part in international forums, such as the recent AgriTech conference organised by the UK Department for Trade and Investment.
In January 2017, we were selected as part of a pan-European food innovation consortium. The project, EIT Food, brings together 50 market-leading businesses, tech innovators, research institutions and consumer organisations to investigate today’s food challenges – from health and nutrition to supply chain development and the creation of a circular bio-economy. It is a unique opportunity for us to work with leading global companies, improving sustainable production and food processing, and having a positive impact on worldwide food production.
Knowledge Sharing
To help drive group performance we also introduced a quarterly performance review for all sites during 2015 and 2016. This initiative saw the introduction of a common sustainability agenda linked to an ongoing performance tracking scorecard where sites competed against each other. The objectives were to increase sustainability focus at local level, benchmark activity and promote sustainable innovation among our staff.
In October 2015, we held a Sustainability Summit. Sustainability stakeholders from all of our processing sites were brought together to showcase examples of best practice and the ensuing benefits. Everyone was encouraged to share examples and adopt innovations from elsewhere across the Group. As a result, over 50 new projects were implemented, contributing significantly to progress against our 2020 targets.
- ABP Food Group is a founding member of Origin Green
- First company in the world to receive Carbon Trust Quadruple Certification three times.
- One of fifty global companies researching food innovation and sustainability through EIT.
Food Industry Intelligence Network
Being part of the Food Industry Intelligence Network and the intelligence that ensues from this collaboration has become a key strategic asset in ABP’s food defence plan. The network’s strategic importance continues to grow thanks to closer links with the competent authorities and the overall increase in membership.